Pin Description
5. INTR, Interrupt: This is an active low output pin. This pin goes low when the conversion is over.
/* Name : main.c * Purpose : Source code for ADC0804 Interfacing with AT89C52. * Author : Gemicates * Date : 2014-02-15 * Website : * Revision : None */ //Program to check the working of ADC0804 using LED's on its output port. #include <REGX52.H> #define input P2 // Input port to read the values of ADC #define output P0 // Output port, connected to LED's. sbit wr= P1^1; // Write pin. It is used to start the conversion. sbit rd= P1^0; // Read pin. It is used to extract the data from internal register to the output pins of ADC. sbit intr= P1^2; // Interrupt pin. This is used to indicate the end of conversion. It goes low when conversion is complete. void delay(unsigned int msec ) // The delay function provides delay in msec. { int i,j ; for(i=0;i<msec;i++) for(j=0;j<1275; j++); } void adc() // Function to read the values from ADC and display on the LED's. { rd=1; wr=0; delay(1); wr=1; while(intr==1); rd=0; output=input; delay(1); intr=1; } void main() { input=0xff; // Declare port 0 as input port. while(1) { adc(); } }